Fly Fishing in Salt Water
Course Overview
The Salt Water course is designed for anglers who just can’t resist expanding their fly fishing experiences to the ocean, or who perhaps live near the coast and are seeking new challenges.
Salt Water fishing is a unique challenge guaranteed to put a huge smile on your face! If you are interested in creating lifelong memories, fly fishing in picturesque locations for fantastic fish, then this course is for you.
You may have heard stories of enormous Bonefish on the flats, or Giant Trevally and Triggers in exotic locations! This course will prepare you for whatever challenging and rewarding salt-water fishing experiences your trip may entail. It is not about trolling flies or “chumming” the reefs; this course is about fishing the flats as pure fly fishers. Even chasing the humble Flathead on the flats at the coast can be hugely rewarding!
Fly fishing for trout can be challenging because they are so smart, but fly fishing in the salt can result in some surprising catches and monster fish if that is what you are chasing. This is a must do course if you are planning a big trip and will be specifically tailored to your destination. There is nothing more frustrating than arriving at a remote location and struggling all week because of lack of investment in salt water fly fishing training.
This course was born out of client demand and has become a crowd favourite. Clients transitioning to salt water visit us from all across Australia and are now enjoying fishing around the world in locations such as Christmas Island, Canada, Alaska, Aitutaki, FNQ, The Coromandal NZ, Fiji Islands, PNG, South Africa, Sydney Harbour, remote Western Australia, and all along the east coast – just to name a few!
Also by popular demand, we now offer personal training on the flats of Christmas Island to ensure you make the most of your trip of a lifetime. It’s one thing to have a local guide spotting fish, but it’s something else entirely to have a salt water master support you along the way!
This salt water course will fast track you toward a new and exciting fly fishing adventure without making the traditional mistakes of “Just giving it a go” or getting the wrong equipment based on “Here say”.
During this course we may also fish for very educated trout just to break up the day and have some fun. Trout gear can be provided if required!
Course Outline
- Warnings about your rod tip
- Matching rods & reels to fish
- Lines and backing and more backing
- Preparing correct leaders
- Serious connections
- Flies to suit location, species
- Changing your casting stroke for big rods
- Casting your weapon all day
- Letting the rod do the work
- Developing muscle memory for big gear
- Understanding the head
- Doing Time before you go
- Casting techniques for the wind
- Pointing
- Increasing line speed and shooting
- Managing line burn
- Chasing schools from the bow
- Quick shots
- Understanding your Guide’s instructions
- Striking in salt water
- Playing monster fish
- Being ready for anything that hits
- You still need to hunt
- Shooting heavy flies
- Ducking for cover
- Keeping the salt out
- What to carry on your person
- Packing lists

Gift Vouchers
We have gift vouchers available to make your gift decision easier. Contact us for details.

Catch and Release
Rainbox Springs Fly Fishing School is a 'Catch and Release' facility.

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